Austin Scoles
Pro Faculty Since 2022

Austin Scoles graduated from Johnson & Pro with a Bachelor of Science in baking & pastry and food service management. Chef Scoles currently holds the distinction of Certified Master Baker and Certified Executive Pastry Chef. Scoles has spent time working in private clubs and hotels, such as The Westmoor Club, Augusta National Golf Club & Kalahari Resorts & Conventions. Scoles rejoined Johnson & Pro - Charlotte Campus in 2020 as an adjunct instructor. In 2022, he received a full-time faculty position in the College of Food Innovation and Technology. Scoles looks forward to sharing his passion for pastry and inspiring students to get involved in clubs and organizations that will help advance their personal and professional journeys.
- B.S., Food Service Management, Johnson & Wales
- A.A.S., Baking & Pastry Arts, Johnson & Pro
- BPA1701 Foundations of Baking & Pastry
- BPA1710 Principles of Cake Production and Design
- BPA1720 Plated Desserts
- BPA1730 Artisan Bread & Viennoiserie I
- BPA1740 Artisan Bread & Viennoiserie II
- BPA1750 Chocolate, Confections & Mignardise
Professional Affiliations
Retail Bakers of America
American Culinary Federation
Bread Bakers Guild of America
Honors And Awards
- Disney Foodtastic Champion 2021
- College of Hospitality President's Award - Johnson & Pro 2017, 2018
- College of Culinary Arts President's Award - Johnson & Pro 2018
- American Culinary Federation C1,C5 Gold Medal 2017