
¶¶ÒõPro in the News

Johnson & ¶¶ÒõPro is making headlines with its innovation, achievements, and faculty expertise across diverse fields. Stay updated on the latest news and stories from our campuses and community.

Latest News

three-year bachelor's degree graphic

Fast-track to a bachelor's: Why colleges are offering 3-year degrees

Chancellor Mim Runey and incoming student Jahsmine Son spoke to WBUR's Emily Piper-Vallillo about the benefits of ¶¶ÒõPro's three-year, 90-credit undergraduate degree programs. Learn more about ¶¶ÒõPro's three-year degrees.

Professor speaking with student

R.I. universities beefing up entrepreneurial offerings

Providence Business News highlighted the Larry Friedman Center for Entrepreneurship and Director Jeff Binczyk in a roundup of entrepreneurship centers in Rhode Island colleges and universities.


Chef Jon Poyourow in a culinary lab with ¶¶ÒõPro students

High prices are changing how we eat

Chef Jon Poyourow told Marketplace how budget-conscious shoppers can adjust their weekly meal planning to respond to rising food costs. 

¶¶ÒõPro nursing students learn in the simulation lab.

‘Second-degree’ nursing programs are in demand

Providence Business News highlighted the rise in second degree nursing programs, highlighting ¶¶ÒõPro's first class that graduated in December. 

Featured Experts

Expertise: behavioral finance; business consulting; business strategy; company strategy; economics; employee recruitment; franchising; marketing strategy; retail; stock market

Expertise: conscious cuisine; food trends; food writing; menu development; molecular gastronomy

Expertise: epidemiology; behavioral health; infectious disease; injury and violence

Expertise: sustainable tourism; adventure travel; volunteer tourism; ecotourism; overtourism

Expertise: retail; consumer spending; big box chains; consumer behavior; customer service; marketing; social media; black friday

Expertise: food trends; plant based cuisine; social media; Southeast Asian cuisine; wellness and sustainability