
Articulation Agreements

¶¶ÒõPro is proud to have a number of articulation agreements and transfer credit equivalencies in place that will facilitate student transfer to Johnson & ¶¶ÒõPro. The university works closely with colleges who wish to articulate with ¶¶ÒõPro and continuously works to develop new partnerships.

Articulation Documentation

The following domestic schools have articulation agreements with ¶¶ÒõPro:

Learn more about ¶¶ÒõPro’s B.S. and J.D. articulation agreements with Roger Williams University School of Law and the University of Massachusetts School of Law.

Other Transfer Opportunities

Other transfer opportunities include:

¶¶ÒõPro recognizes and grants transfer credit for a number of diplomas and qualifications provided by accredited colleges, universities and educational organizations throughout the world. These include the following:

  • At-Sunrice GlobalChef Academy: Transfer Agreement (PDF)
  • Barbados Community College, Barbados
  • Bermuda College, Bermuda
  • College of the Bahamas, Bahamas
  • Failte Ireland, National Tourism Development Authority, Ireland — Certificate in Professional Cookery
  • Ferrandi-Paris, France
  • Hotelfaschulen, Germany
  • Humber College, Canada
  • Hyejeon College, Korea
  • Ming Dao University, Taiwan
  • Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA), UK — National Diploma (HND)
  • SEGi University and Colleges, Malaysia
  • SHATEC Institute, Singapore
  • Sir Arthur Lewis Community College (SALCC), St. Lucia
  • Taylor’s University College, Malaysia
  • Technical & Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Trinidad & Tobago Hospitality & Tourism Institute (TTHTI), Trinidad & Tobago
  • Turks and Caicos Islands Community College (TCICC), Turks and Caicos Islands
  • University of St. Martin, Sint Maarten
  • WIHOGA Dortmund, Germany
  • Woosong University, Korea

Additional Agreements

Review agreements specific to individual programs: