
Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I take the prerequisite courses?

Prerequisite courses can be completed at any regionally accredited college or university in the US, including community colleges.

Some of my classes are from an online institution. Will you accept these credits?

Online credits are acceptable if they are from an accredited institution, but we do prefer that courses are taken in class.

How are GPAs calculated?

CASPA calculates many GPAs. For a detailed explanation of how GPAs are calculated, we recommend visiting .

Do you accept CLEP or AP credits?

No, we do not accept CLEP or Advanced Placement (AP) credits to fulfill prerequisite courses.

Can my 3 letters of reference required by CASPA be sent directly to you or do they have to go through CASPA?

All application materials must go through CASPA.

Clinical/Experiential Requirements

What is considered direct patient care experience?

Your experience should be hands-on in an allopathic or osteopathic medical setting in the United States. It is crucial that every applicant be aware of the expectations and day-to-day operation of the medical setting in which they will be a clinical year student and practicing PA.

We require 250 hours of direct patient care. The hours may come from one experience or a combination of experiences and may be voluntary or paid work. If you are starting the process of gaining direct patient care experience, you may want to consider a skill or certification that will enable you to work directly with patients.

What types of direct experience are preferred?

We prefer that you have direct patient contact in a direct clinical or patient care setting. Below are examples of desirable and acceptable patient experiences.

Desirable patient care experiences include, but are not limited to:

  • medical assistant
  • certified nursing assistant
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
  • medical scribe
  • medic or corpsman
  • ER technician
  • paramedic

Other examples of acceptable direct patient care experience include:

  • audiologist
  • radiology technician
  • respiratory therapist
  • phlebotomist
  • occupational therapist
  • registered dietitian in a clinical setting
  • patient care assistant
  • physical therapist
  • Doctor of Pharmacy or pharmacist in a clinical setting
  • exercise physiologist or athletic trainer in a clinical setting

What is “shadowing”?

To help you gain a clear understanding of the PA’s role on the medical team, we ask that you observe (or “shadow”) a PA in the field. “Shadowing” of PAs in more than one practice type is preferred. You will be asked to record your experiences as part of the application process; please note that they do not count toward direct patient care hours.

Can shadowing be considered direct patient care experience?

No, shadowing is not considered direct patient care experience. However, shadowing is encouraged and should be included in your CASPA application under the “Health Care Shadowing Experience” section.

Prerequisite Courses

Which courses satisfy the biology prerequisite requirement?

Two semesters of general biology (I and II; 8 credits) will fulfill the requirement. Upper-level biology courses can also be used towards fulfilling the biology requirement. To satisfy the requirement, the biology courses must include lecture and lab.

Which courses satisfy the chemistry prerequisite requirement?

Two semesters of general chemistry (I and II; 8 credits) will fulfill the requirement. Courses in organic chemistry and biochemistry can also be used towards fulfilling the chemistry requirement. To satisfy the requirement, the chemistry courses must include lecture and lab.

Which courses best satisfy the anatomy and physiology prerequisite requirement?

Two semesters of human anatomy and physiology (I and II with lab; 8 credits) or human anatomy (with lab; 4 credits) and human physiology (with lab; 4 credits). We prefer that these courses be designed specifically for biology/pre-medical majors. These courses must include all body systems. Animal physiology or exercise physiology courses are not preferred.


Is on-campus housing available for PA students?

On-campus housing is not provided for PA students.

May I work while enrolled in the PA program?

Students are discouraged from having outside employment while in the program. Program expectations, assignments, deadlines and responsibilities will not be altered or adjusted to accommodate working students and it is expected that the student employment will not interfere with the student learning experience.

May I be required to work for the PA program?

Students will not be required to perform any clerical or administrative work or teaching on behalf of the PA Program.

Will I be required to provide or solicit clinical sites or preceptors while in the program?

Students are not required to provide or solicit clinical sites or preceptors while in the program.

Will I be required to substitute or function as instructional faculty, clinical, or administrative staff?

Students are not required to substitute or function as instructional faculty, clinical, or administrative staff.